Annual Report 2024
Gatefold annual report. Intended to be a large show stopper piece (27"x18" open), and also a poster showcasing the evolution of the lightbulb after the report information has been consumed.
Marketing Brochure 2024
Trifold brochure with duotone cover. Part of a series of three, with each brochure cover being a different colored duotone.
Older Annual Reports & Print Publications
Older Print Campaigns 2016-2020
Various print campaigns.
Small Business Comeback - 2020
Print campaign designed to encourage people to shop online to ensure that small businesses stay open and thriving during the worst of the pandemic. Stock stills.
What Lies Ahead Campaign - 2019
Print campaign designed to showcase electric co-ops as future forward and innovative and to dissuade beliefs that rural organizations are behind or backwards. Stills by me.
Drive Electric Campaign - 2019
Print campaign designed to educate and encourage people to learn more about EVs. Stills by me.
Energy Superheroes Campaign - 2018
Print campaign designed to play off of the Marvel superhero craze and showcase youth. Stills by me.
"VintageFresh" Polaroid Campaign - 2018
One of my favorite campaigns that combines vintage cool to instill fresh life into our creative. Stills and design by me.
Voices Campaign - 2016
Print campaign to instill authenticity and trust by showcasing various electric co-op employees in what is essentially a visual testimonial.